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Monday, July 28, 2008

20 Century fox Present The game Of the year

Cdomplus vs Slaven

who can imagine a end of match like this
Slaven lead 4/2 Ht and 5/3 at 1.14m to the end
finally irish team found 3 times the way for take the gain of this incredible match !!!
last goal enter in last second with help of post
it was just the place to go between the goalkeeper and the post

to win this match I had need of mental Federer, the fighting spirit of Nadal and the class of Zidane :)

First round of Lionrock Tournament Summary

For the first year i finish on the top of the first part of this tournament

like last year i finish with the best attack with 122 goals simply incredible !!!
and with the best defense (first time)

16 victory 2 lost in 18 games it s a great road !!! cause player are better each year and winning never easy but the fighting spirit of my irish team help me

Now like Federer i wait my opponent Carl or Bahane !!! cause with the first place of this league i'm directly qualify for the semi final.

Cdomplus vd Vid 4*2 Clash of Titans